Encodes three JS number values into RGB9E5, returned as an integer-valued JS number.
RGB9E5 represents three partial-precision floating-point numbers encoded into a single 32-bit
value all sharing the same 5-bit exponent.
There is no sign bit, and there is a shared 5-bit biased (15) exponent and a 9-bit
mantissa for each channel. The mantissa does NOT have an implicit leading "1.",
and instead has an implicit leading "0.".
Encodes three JS
values into RGB9E5, returned as an integer-valued JSnumber
.RGB9E5 represents three partial-precision floating-point numbers encoded into a single 32-bit value all sharing the same 5-bit exponent. There is no sign bit, and there is a shared 5-bit biased (15) exponent and a 9-bit mantissa for each channel. The mantissa does NOT have an implicit leading "1.", and instead has an implicit leading "0.".