• Fill an ArrayBuffer with the linear-memory representation of a solid-color texture where every texel has the byte value texelValue. Preserves the contents of outputBuffer which are in "padding" space between image rows.

    Effectively emulates a copyTextureToBuffer from a solid-color texture to a buffer.


    • texelValue: ArrayBuffer
    • format: "bgra8unorm" | "rgba8unorm" | "rgba16float" | "r8unorm" | "r8snorm" | "r8uint" | "r8sint" | "r16uint" | "r16sint" | "r16float" | "rg8unorm" | "rg8snorm" | "rg8uint" | "rg8sint" | "r32uint" | "r32sint" | "r32float" | "rg16uint" | "rg16sint" | "rg16float" | "rgba8unorm-srgb" | "rgba8snorm" | "rgba8uint" | "rgba8sint" | "bgra8unorm-srgb" | "rgb9e5ufloat" | "rgb10a2uint" | "rgb10a2unorm" | "rg11b10ufloat" | "rg32uint" | "rg32sint" | "rg32float" | "rgba16uint" | "rgba16sint" | "rgba32uint" | "rgba32sint" | "rgba32float" | "stencil8" | "depth16unorm" | "depth32float"
    • dimension: GPUTextureDimension
    • outputBuffer: ArrayBuffer
    • size: [number, number, number]
    • options: LayoutOptions = kDefaultLayoutOptions

    Returns void

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