Interface GPUAdapterInfo


  • GPUAdapterInfo


architecture: string

The name of the family or class of GPUs the adapter belongs to, if available. Empty string otherwise.

description: string

A human readable string describing the adapter as reported by the driver, if available. Empty string otherwise. Note: Because no formatting is applied to description attempting to parse this value is not recommended. Applications which change their behavior based on the GPUAdapterInfo, such as applying workarounds for known driver issues, should rely on the other fields when possible.

device: string

A vendor-specific identifier for the adapter, if available. Empty string otherwise. Note: This is a value that represents the type of adapter. For example, it may be a PCI device ID. It does not uniquely identify a given piece of hardware like a serial number.

vendor: string

The name of the vendor of the adapter, if available. Empty string otherwise.

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