Interface GPURenderPassColorAttachment


  • GPURenderPassColorAttachment


clearValue?: GPUColor

Indicates the value to clear view to prior to executing the render pass. If not map/exist|provided, defaults to {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}. Ignored if loadOp is not GPULoadOp "clear". The components of clearValue are all double values. They are converted [$to a texel value of texture format$] matching the render attachment. If conversion fails, a validation error is generated.

depthSlice?: number

Indicates the depth slice index of GPUTextureViewDimension "3d" view that will be output to for this color attachment.

loadOp: GPULoadOp

Indicates the load operation to perform on view prior to executing the render pass. Note: It is recommended to prefer clearing; see GPULoadOp "clear" for details.

resolveTarget?: GPUTextureView

A GPUTextureView describing the texture subresource that will receive the resolved output for this color attachment if view is multisampled.

storeOp: GPUStoreOp

The store operation to perform on view after executing the render pass.

A GPUTextureView describing the texture subresource that will be output to for this color attachment.

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