depthIndicates that the depth component of view is read only.
depthThe store operation to perform on view's depth component after executing the render pass.
stencilIndicates the value to clear view's stencil component
to prior to executing the render pass. Ignored if stencilLoadOp
is not GPULoadOp "clear"
The value will be converted to the type of the stencil aspect of view
by taking the same
number of LSBs as the number of bits in the stencil aspect of one texel block|texel of view
stencilIndicates that the stencil component of view is read only.
stencilThe store operation to perform on view's stencil component after executing the render pass.
A GPUTextureView describing the texture subresource that will be output to and read from for this depth/stencil attachment.
Generated using TypeDoc
Indicates the value to clear view's depth component to prior to executing the render pass. Ignored if depthLoadOp is not GPULoadOp
. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.