Interface GPUSamplerDescriptor



addressModeU?: GPUAddressMode
addressModeV?: GPUAddressMode
addressModeW?: GPUAddressMode

Specifies the address modes for the texture width, height, and depth coordinates, respectively.

When provided the sampler will be a comparison sampler with the specified GPUCompareFunction. Note: Comparison samplers may use filtering, but the sampling results will be implementation-dependent and may differ from the normal filtering rules.

label?: string

The initial value of GPUObjectBase.label.

lodMaxClamp?: number

Specifies the minimum and maximum levels of detail, respectively, used internally when sampling a texture.

lodMinClamp?: number
magFilter?: GPUFilterMode

Specifies the sampling behavior when the sampled area is smaller than or equal to one texel.

maxAnisotropy?: number

Specifies the maximum anisotropy value clamp used by the sampler. Anisotropic filtering is enabled when maxAnisotropy is > 1 and the implementation supports it. Anisotropic filtering improves the image quality of textures sampled at oblique viewing angles. Higher maxAnisotropy values indicate the maximum ratio of anisotropy supported when filtering.

Most implementations support maxAnisotropy values in range between 1 and 16, inclusive. The used value of maxAnisotropy will be clamped to the maximum value that the platform supports. The precise filtering behavior is implementation-dependent.
minFilter?: GPUFilterMode

Specifies the sampling behavior when the sampled area is larger than one texel.

mipmapFilter?: GPUMipmapFilterMode

Specifies behavior for sampling between mipmap levels.

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