Interface GPUVertexState



buffers?: Iterable<undefined | null | GPUVertexBufferLayout>

A list of GPUVertexBufferLayouts, each defining the layout of vertex attribute data in a vertex buffer used by this pipeline.

constants?: Record<string, number>

Specifies the values of pipeline-overridable constants in the shader module module. Each such pipeline-overridable constant is uniquely identified by a single pipeline-overridable constant identifier string, representing the pipeline constant ID of the constant if its declaration specifies one, and otherwise the constant's identifier name. The key of each key-value pair must equal the pipeline-overridable constant identifier string|identifier string of one such constant, with the comparison performed according to the rules for WGSL identifier comparison. When the pipeline is executed, that constant will have the specified value. Values are specified as GPUPipelineConstantValue, which is a double. They are converted [$to WGSL type$] of the pipeline-overridable constant (bool/i32/u32/f32/f16). If conversion fails, a validation error is generated.

Pipeline-overridable constants defined in WGSL: ```wgsl @id(0) override has_point_light: bool = true; // Algorithmic control. @id(1200) override specular_param: f32 = 2.3; // Numeric control. @id(1300) override gain: f32; // Must be overridden. override width: f32 = 0.0; // Specifed at the API level // using the name "width". override depth: f32; // Specifed at the API level // using the name "depth". // Must be overridden. override height = 2 * depth; // The default value // (if not set at the API level), // depends on another // overridable constant. ``` Corresponding JavaScript code, providing only the overrides which are required (have no defaults): ```js { // ... constants: { 1300: 2.0, // "gain" depth: -1, // "depth" } } ``` Corresponding JavaScript code, overriding all constants: ```js { // ... constants: { 0: false, // "has_point_light" 1200: 3.0, // "specular_param" 1300: 2.0, // "gain" width: 20, // "width" depth: -1, // "depth" height: 15, // "height" } } ```
entryPoint?: string

The name of the function in module that this stage will use to perform its work. NOTE: Since the entryPoint dictionary member is not required, methods which consume a GPUProgrammableStage must use the "[$get the entry point$]" algorithm to determine which entry point it refers to.

The GPUShaderModule containing the code that this programmable stage will execute.

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