Class AllFeaturesMaxLimitsGPUTestSubcaseBatchState

Used by AllFeaturesMaxLimitsGPUTest to request a device with all limits and features of the adapter.




params: TestParams

The case parameters for this test fixture shared state. Subcase params are not included.


  • get isCompatibility(): boolean
  • Returns boolean


  • returns true iff the langFeature is supported


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns boolean

  • Some tests or cases need particular feature flags or limits to be enabled. Call this function with a descriptor or feature name (or undefined) to select a GPUDevice with matching capabilities. If this isn't called, a default device is provided.

    If the request isn't supported, throws a SkipTestCase exception to skip the entire test case.


    Returns void

  • Skips test if the given interpolation type or sampling is not supported.


    • __namedParameters: {
          sampling?: "center" | "centroid" | "sample" | "first" | "either";
          type?: "flat" | "perspective" | "linear";
      • Optional sampling?: "center" | "centroid" | "sample" | "first" | "either"
      • Optional type?: "flat" | "perspective" | "linear"

    Returns void

  • Some tests need a second device which is different from the first. This requests a second device so it will be available during the test. If it is not called, no second device will be available. The second device will be created with the same features and limits as the first device.

    Returns void

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