


params: TestParams

The case parameters for this test fixture shared state. Subcase params are not included.



  • Returns {
        maxBindGroups: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 24;
            maximumValue: 24;
        maxBindingsPerBindGroup: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 1000;
            maximumValue: 1000;
        maxBufferSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 268435456;
            maximumValue: 268435456;
        maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 32;
            maximumValue: 32;
        maxColorAttachments: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 64;
            maximumValue: 64;
        maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16384;
            maximumValue: 16384;
        maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 65535;
            maximumValue: 65535;
        maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 8;
        maxInterStageShaderComponents: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 64;
            maximumValue: 60;
        maxInterStageShaderVariables: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 15;
        maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxSamplersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxStorageBufferBindingSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 134217728;
            maximumValue: 134217728;
        maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxTextureArrayLayers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;
        maxTextureDimension1D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8192;
            maximumValue: 4096;
        maxTextureDimension2D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8192;
            maximumValue: 4096;
        maxTextureDimension3D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 2048;
            maximumValue: 1024;
        maxUniformBufferBindingSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 65536;
            maximumValue: 16384;
        maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 12;
            maximumValue: 12;
        maxVertexAttributes: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxVertexBufferArrayStride: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 2048;
            maximumValue: 2048;
        maxVertexBuffers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 8;
        minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment: {
            class: "alignment";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;
        minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment: {
            class: "alignment";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;

    • Readonly maxBindGroups: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 24;
          maximumValue: 24;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 24
      • maximumValue: 24
    • Readonly maxBindingsPerBindGroup: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 1000;
          maximumValue: 1000;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 1000
      • maximumValue: 1000
    • Readonly maxBufferSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 268435456;
          maximumValue: 268435456;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 268435456
      • maximumValue: 268435456
    • Readonly maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 32;
          maximumValue: 32;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 32
      • maximumValue: 32
    • Readonly maxColorAttachments: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 64;
          maximumValue: 64;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 64
      • maximumValue: 64
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16384;
          maximumValue: 16384;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16384
      • maximumValue: 16384
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 65535;
          maximumValue: 65535;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 65535
      • maximumValue: 65535
    • Readonly maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 8;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 8
    • Readonly maxInterStageShaderComponents: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 64;
          maximumValue: 60;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 64
      • maximumValue: 60
    • Readonly maxInterStageShaderVariables: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 15;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 15
    • Readonly maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxSamplersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxStorageBufferBindingSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 134217728;
          maximumValue: 134217728;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 134217728
      • maximumValue: 134217728
    • Readonly maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxTextureArrayLayers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension1D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8192;
          maximumValue: 4096;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8192
      • maximumValue: 4096
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension2D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8192;
          maximumValue: 4096;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8192
      • maximumValue: 4096
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension3D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 2048;
          maximumValue: 1024;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 2048
      • maximumValue: 1024
    • Readonly maxUniformBufferBindingSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 65536;
          maximumValue: 16384;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 65536
      • maximumValue: 16384
    • Readonly maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 12;
          maximumValue: 12;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 12
      • maximumValue: 12
    • Readonly maxVertexAttributes: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxVertexBufferArrayStride: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 2048;
          maximumValue: 2048;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 2048
      • maximumValue: 2048
    • Readonly maxVertexBuffers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 8;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 8
    • Readonly minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment: {
          class: "alignment";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "alignment"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
    • Readonly minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment: {
          class: "alignment";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "alignment"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
  • returns true iff the langFeature is supported


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns boolean

  • Convenience function for selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase. Select a device with the features required by these query type(s). If the device creation fails, then skip the test case.


    • types: GPUQueryType | GPUQueryType[]

    Returns void

  • Convenience function for selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase. Select a device with the features required by these texture format(s). If the device creation fails, then skip the test case.


    • formats: undefined | GPUTextureFormat | (undefined | GPUTextureFormat)[]

    Returns void

  • Some tests or cases need particular feature flags or limits to be enabled. Call this function with a descriptor or feature name (or undefined) to select a GPUDevice with matching capabilities. If this isn't called, a default device is provided.

    If the request isn't supported, throws a SkipTestCase exception to skip the entire test case.


    • descriptor: DeviceSelectionDescriptor

    Returns void

  • Some tests need a second device which is different from the first. This requests a second device so it will be available during the test. If it is not called, no second device will be available.

    If the request isn't supported, throws a SkipTestCase exception to skip the entire test case.


    • descriptor: DeviceSelectionDescriptor

    Returns void

  • Throws an exception marking the subcase as skipped.


    • msg: string

    Returns never

  • Throws an exception making the subcase as skipped if condition is true


    • cond: boolean
    • msg: string | (() => string) = ''

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Rest ...formats: (undefined | GPUTextureFormat)[]

    Returns void

  • Skips test if the given interpolation type or sampling is not supported.


    • __namedParameters: {
          sampling?: "center" | "centroid" | "sample" | "first" | "either";
          type?: "flat" | "perspective" | "linear";
      • Optional sampling?: "center" | "centroid" | "sample" | "first" | "either"
      • Optional type?: "flat" | "perspective" | "linear"

    Returns void

  • Skips this test case if the langFeature is not supported.


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns void

  • Skips this test case if the langFeature is supported.


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns void

  • Skips test if any format is not supported.


    • Rest ...formats: (undefined | GPUTextureFormat)[]

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Rest ...formats: (undefined | GPUTextureFormat)[]

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Rest ...types: (undefined | null | string)[]

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Rest ...dimensions: (undefined | GPUTextureViewDimension)[]

    Returns void

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