GPUAdapter that the device was created from.
GPUDevice for the test to use.
GPUDevice for tests requiring a second device different from the default one, e.g. for creating objects for by device_mismatch validation tests.
Returns the (case+subcase) parameters for this test function invocation.
GPUQueue for the test to use. (Same as t.device.queue
Gets the test fixture's shared state. This object is shared between subcases within the same testcase.
Emulate a texture to buffer copy by using a compute shader to load texture values of a subregion of a 2d texture and write to a storage buffer. For sample count == 1, the buffer contains extent[0] * extent[1] of the sample. For sample count > 1, the buffer contains extent[0] * extent[1] * (N = sampleCount) values sorted in the order of their sample index [0, sampleCount - 1]
This can be useful when the texture to buffer copy is not available to the texture format e.g. (depth24plus), or when the texture is multisampled.
MAINTENANCE_TODO: extend texture dimension to 1d and 3d.
storage buffer containing the copied value from the texture.
Returns a GPUCommandEncoder, GPUComputePassEncoder, GPURenderPassEncoder, or
GPURenderBundleEncoder, and a finish
method returning a GPUCommandBuffer.
Allows testing methods which have the same signature across multiple encoder interfaces.
targets?: GPUTextureView[]g.test('popDebugGroup')
.params(u => u.combine('encoderType', kEncoderTypes))
.fn(t => {
const { encoder, finish } = t.createEncoder(t.params.encoderType);
.params(u => u.combine('encoderType', ['non-pass', 'compute pass', 'render pass'] as const)
.fn(t => {
const { encoder, finish } = t.createEncoder(t.params.encoderType);
// Encoder type is inferred, so `writeTimestamp` can be used even though it doesn't exist
// on GPURenderBundleEncoder.
Expect a buffer to consist exclusively of rows of some repeated expected value. The size of
must be 1, 2, or any multiple of 4 bytes. Rows in the buffer are expected to be
zero-padded out to bytesPerRow
. minBytesPerRow
is the number of bytes per row that contain
actual (non-padding) data and must be an exact multiple of the byte-length of expectedValue
Expect a GPUBuffer's contents to equal the values in the provided TypedArray.
method?: "map" | "copy"Optional
mode?: "fail" | "warn"Expect a GPUBuffer's contents to pass the provided check.
A library of checks can be found in webgpu/util/check_contents.
method?: "map" | "copy"Optional
mode?: "fail" | "warn"Optional
srcIf the argument is an Error
, fail (or warn). If it's undefined
, no-op.
If the argument is an array, apply the above behavior on each of elements.
mode?: "fail" | "warn"Optional
niceExpect an entire GPUTexture to have a single color at the given mip level (defaults to 0). MAINTENANCE_TODO: Remove this and/or replace it with a helper in TextureTestMixin.
dimension?: GPUTextureDimensionOptional
layout?: LayoutOptionsOptional
slice?: numberTake a single pixel of a 2D texture, interpret it using a TypedArray of the expected
and expect each value in that array to be between the corresponding "expected" values
(either a[i] <= actual[i] <= b[i]
or a[i] >= actual[i] => b[i]
MAINTENANCE_TODO: Remove this once there is a way to deal with undefined lerp-ed values.
layout?: LayoutOptionsOptional
slice?: numberCreates a buffer with the contents of some TypedArray. The buffer size will always be aligned to 4 as we set mappedAtCreation === true when creating the buffer.
MAINTENANCE_TODO: Several call sites would be simplified if this took ArrayBuffer as well.
Snapshot the current contents of a range of a GPUBuffer, and return them as a TypedArray. Also provides a cleanup() function to unmap and destroy the staging buffer.
method?: "map" | "copy"Optional
srcExpect that the provided promise rejects, with the provided exception name.
Expect that the provided function throws (if true
or string
) or not (if false
If a string is provided, expect that the throw exception has that name.
MAINTENANCE_TODO: Change to string | false
so the exception name is always checked.
MakeGenerated using TypeDoc
Most tests should be using
. The exceptions are tests specifically validating limits like those under api/validation/capability_checks/limits and those tests the specifically validate certain features fail validation if not enabled like those under api/validation/capability_checks/feature.NOTE: The goal is to go through all existing tests and remove any direct use of GPUTest. For each test, choose either AllFeaturesMaxLimitsGPUTest or UniqueFeaturesOrLimitsGPUTest. This way we can track progress as we go through every test using GPUTest and check it is testing everything it should test.