Used for textureSampleXXX



  • get adapter(): GPUAdapter
  • GPUAdapter that the device was created from.

    Returns GPUAdapter

  • get device(): GPUDevice
  • GPUDevice for the test to use.

    Returns GPUDevice

  • get mismatchedDevice(): GPUDevice
  • GPUDevice for tests requiring a second device different from the default one, e.g. for creating objects for by device_mismatch validation tests.

    Returns GPUDevice

  • get params(): unknown
  • Returns the (case+subcase) parameters for this test function invocation.

    Returns unknown

  • get queue(): GPUQueue
  • GPUQueue for the test to use. (Same as t.device.queue.)

    Returns GPUQueue

  • get sharedState(): S
  • Gets the test fixture's shared state. This object is shared between subcases within the same testcase.

    Returns S


  • Emulate a texture to buffer copy by using a compute shader to load texture values of a subregion of a 2d texture and write to a storage buffer. For sample count == 1, the buffer contains extent[0] * extent[1] of the sample. For sample count > 1, the buffer contains extent[0] * extent[1] * (N = sampleCount) values sorted in the order of their sample index [0, sampleCount - 1]

    This can be useful when the texture to buffer copy is not available to the texture format e.g. (depth24plus), or when the texture is multisampled.

    MAINTENANCE_TODO: extend texture dimension to 1d and 3d.


    • type: ScalarType
    • componentCount: number
    • textureView: GPUTextureView
    • sampleCount: number = 1
    • extent_: GPUExtent3D = ...
    • origin_: GPUOrigin3D = ...

    Returns GPUBuffer

    storage buffer containing the copied value from the texture.

  • Returns a GPUCommandEncoder, GPUComputePassEncoder, GPURenderPassEncoder, or GPURenderBundleEncoder, and a finish method returning a GPUCommandBuffer. Allows testing methods which have the same signature across multiple encoder interfaces.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends "render pass" | "render bundle" | "compute pass" | "non-pass"


    • encoderType: T
    • __namedParameters: {
          attachmentInfo?: GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor;
          occlusionQuerySet?: GPUQuerySet;
      } = {}
      • Optional attachmentInfo?: GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor
      • Optional occlusionQuerySet?: GPUQuerySet

    Returns CommandBufferMaker<T>


    .params(u => u.combine('encoderType', kEncoderTypes))
    .fn(t => {
    const { encoder, finish } = t.createEncoder(t.params.encoderType);

    .params(u => u.combine('encoderType', ['non-pass', 'compute pass', 'render pass'] as const)
    .fn(t => {
    const { encoder, finish } = t.createEncoder(t.params.encoderType);
    // Encoder type is inferred, so `writeTimestamp` can be used even though it doesn't exist
    // on GPURenderBundleEncoder.
  • Parameters

    • error: Promise<undefined | Error | (undefined | Error)[]>
    • __namedParameters: {
          mode?: "fail" | "warn";
      } = {}
      • Optional mode?: "fail" | "warn"

    Returns void

  • Expect a buffer to consist exclusively of rows of some repeated expected value. The size of expectedValue must be 1, 2, or any multiple of 4 bytes. Rows in the buffer are expected to be zero-padded out to bytesPerRow. minBytesPerRow is the number of bytes per row that contain actual (non-padding) data and must be an exact multiple of the byte-length of expectedValue.


    • buffer: GPUBuffer
    • __namedParameters: {
          bytesPerRow: number;
          expectedValue: ArrayBuffer;
          minBytesPerRow: number;
          numRows: number;
      • bytesPerRow: number
      • expectedValue: ArrayBuffer
      • minBytesPerRow: number
      • numRows: number

    Returns void

  • Expect a GPUBuffer's contents to equal the values in the provided TypedArray.


    • src: GPUBuffer
    • expected: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array
    • srcByteOffset: number = 0
    • __namedParameters: {
          method?: "map" | "copy";
          mode?: "fail" | "warn";
      } = {}
      • Optional method?: "map" | "copy"
      • Optional mode?: "fail" | "warn"

    Returns void

  • Expect a GPUBuffer's contents to pass the provided check.

    A library of checks can be found in webgpu/util/check_contents.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array


    • src: GPUBuffer
    • check: ((actual) => undefined | Error)
        • (actual): undefined | Error
        • Parameters

          • actual: T

          Returns undefined | Error

    • __namedParameters: {
          method?: "map" | "copy";
          mode?: "fail" | "warn";
          srcByteOffset?: number;
          type: TypedArrayBufferViewConstructor<T>;
          typedLength: number;

    Returns void

  • Expect the specified WebGPU error to be generated when running the provided function.

    Type Parameters

    • R


    • filter: GPUErrorFilter
    • fn: (() => R)
        • (): R
        • Returns R

    • shouldError: boolean = true

    Returns R

  • If the argument is an Error, fail (or warn). If it's undefined, no-op. If the argument is an array, apply the above behavior on each of elements.


    • error: undefined | Error | (undefined | Error)[]
    • __namedParameters: {
          mode?: "fail" | "warn";
          niceStack?: Error;
      } = {}
      • Optional mode?: "fail" | "warn"
      • Optional niceStack?: Error

    Returns void

  • Expect an entire GPUTexture to have a single color at the given mip level (defaults to 0). MAINTENANCE_TODO: Remove this and/or replace it with a helper in TextureTestMixin.


    • src: GPUTexture
    • format: GPUTextureFormat
    • __namedParameters: {
          dimension?: GPUTextureDimension;
          exp: PerTexelComponent<number>;
          layout?: LayoutOptions;
          size: [number, number, number];
          slice?: number;
      • Optional dimension?: GPUTextureDimension
      • exp: PerTexelComponent<number>
      • Optional layout?: LayoutOptions
      • size: [number, number, number]
      • Optional slice?: number

    Returns void

  • Take a single pixel of a 2D texture, interpret it using a TypedArray of the expected type, and expect each value in that array to be between the corresponding "expected" values (either a[i] <= actual[i] <= b[i] or a[i] >= actual[i] => b[i]). MAINTENANCE_TODO: Remove this once there is a way to deal with undefined lerp-ed values.


    • src: GPUTexture
    • format: "bgra8unorm" | "rgba8unorm" | "rgba16float" | "r8unorm" | "r8snorm" | "r8uint" | "r8sint" | "r16uint" | "r16sint" | "r16float" | "rg8unorm" | "rg8snorm" | "rg8uint" | "rg8sint" | "r32uint" | "r32sint" | "r32float" | "rg16uint" | "rg16sint" | "rg16float" | "rgba8unorm-srgb" | "rgba8snorm" | "rgba8uint" | "rgba8sint" | "bgra8unorm-srgb" | "rgb9e5ufloat" | "rgb10a2uint" | "rgb10a2unorm" | "rg11b10ufloat" | "rg32uint" | "rg32sint" | "rg32float" | "rgba16uint" | "rgba16sint" | "rgba32uint" | "rgba32sint" | "rgba32float" | "stencil8" | "depth16unorm" | "depth32float" | "bc1-rgba-unorm" | "bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc2-rgba-unorm" | "bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc3-rgba-unorm" | "bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "bc4-r-unorm" | "bc4-r-snorm" | "bc5-rg-unorm" | "bc5-rg-snorm" | "bc6h-rgb-ufloat" | "bc6h-rgb-float" | "bc7-rgba-unorm" | "bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb" | "etc2-rgb8unorm" | "etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb" | "etc2-rgb8a1unorm" | "etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb" | "etc2-rgba8unorm" | "etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb" | "eac-r11unorm" | "eac-r11snorm" | "eac-rg11unorm" | "eac-rg11snorm" | "astc-4x4-unorm" | "astc-4x4-unorm-srgb" | "astc-5x4-unorm" | "astc-5x4-unorm-srgb" | "astc-5x5-unorm" | "astc-5x5-unorm-srgb" | "astc-6x5-unorm" | "astc-6x5-unorm-srgb" | "astc-6x6-unorm" | "astc-6x6-unorm-srgb" | "astc-8x5-unorm" | "astc-8x5-unorm-srgb" | "astc-8x6-unorm" | "astc-8x6-unorm-srgb" | "astc-8x8-unorm" | "astc-8x8-unorm-srgb" | "astc-10x5-unorm" | "astc-10x5-unorm-srgb" | "astc-10x6-unorm" | "astc-10x6-unorm-srgb" | "astc-10x8-unorm" | "astc-10x8-unorm-srgb" | "astc-10x10-unorm" | "astc-10x10-unorm-srgb" | "astc-12x10-unorm" | "astc-12x10-unorm-srgb" | "astc-12x12-unorm" | "astc-12x12-unorm-srgb"
    • __namedParameters: {
          x: number;
          y: number;
      • x: number
      • y: number
    • __namedParameters: {
          checkElementsBetweenFn?: ((actual, expected) => undefined | Error);
          exp: [Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array, Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array];
          generateWarningOnly?: boolean;
          layout?: LayoutOptions;
          slice?: number;
      • Optional checkElementsBetweenFn?: ((actual, expected) => undefined | Error)
          • (actual, expected): undefined | Error
          • Parameters

            • actual: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array
            • expected: readonly [Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array, Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array]

            Returns undefined | Error

      • exp: [Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array, Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array]
      • Optional generateWarningOnly?: boolean
      • Optional layout?: LayoutOptions
      • Optional slice?: number

    Returns void

  • Expect a validation error inside the callback.

    Tests should always do just one WebGPU call in the callback, to make sure that's what's tested.


    • fn: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • shouldError: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • limit: "maxTextureDimension1D" | "maxTextureDimension2D" | "maxTextureDimension3D" | "maxTextureArrayLayers" | "maxBindGroups" | "maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers" | "maxBindingsPerBindGroup" | "maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout" | "maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout" | "maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage" | "maxSamplersPerShaderStage" | "maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage" | "maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage" | "maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage" | "maxUniformBufferBindingSize" | "maxStorageBufferBindingSize" | "minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment" | "minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment" | "maxVertexBuffers" | "maxBufferSize" | "maxVertexAttributes" | "maxVertexBufferArrayStride" | "maxInterStageShaderVariables" | "maxColorAttachments" | "maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample" | "maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize" | "maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ" | "maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension"

    Returns 4 | 1000 | 8 | 12 | 16 | 32 | 256 | 64 | 8192 | 2048 | 24 | 65536 | 16384 | 134217728 | 268435456 | 65535

  • Returns {
        maxBindGroups: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 24;
            maximumValue: 24;
        maxBindingsPerBindGroup: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 1000;
            maximumValue: 1000;
        maxBufferSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 268435456;
            maximumValue: 268435456;
        maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 32;
            maximumValue: 32;
        maxColorAttachments: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 128;
        maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 64;
            maximumValue: 64;
        maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16384;
            maximumValue: 16384;
        maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 65535;
            maximumValue: 65535;
        maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 8;
        maxInterStageShaderVariables: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 15;
        maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxSamplersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxStorageBufferBindingSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 134217728;
            maximumValue: 134217728;
        maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 4;
            maximumValue: 4;
        maxTextureArrayLayers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;
        maxTextureDimension1D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8192;
            maximumValue: 4096;
        maxTextureDimension2D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8192;
            maximumValue: 4096;
        maxTextureDimension3D: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 2048;
            maximumValue: 1024;
        maxUniformBufferBindingSize: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 65536;
            maximumValue: 16384;
        maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 12;
            maximumValue: 12;
        maxVertexAttributes: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 16;
            maximumValue: 16;
        maxVertexBufferArrayStride: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 2048;
            maximumValue: 2048;
        maxVertexBuffers: {
            class: "maximum";
            default: 8;
            maximumValue: 8;
        minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment: {
            class: "alignment";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;
        minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment: {
            class: "alignment";
            default: 256;
            maximumValue: 256;

    • Readonly maxBindGroups: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 24;
          maximumValue: 24;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 24
      • maximumValue: 24
    • Readonly maxBindingsPerBindGroup: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 1000;
          maximumValue: 1000;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 1000
      • maximumValue: 1000
    • Readonly maxBufferSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 268435456;
          maximumValue: 268435456;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 268435456
      • maximumValue: 268435456
    • Readonly maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 32;
          maximumValue: 32;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 32
      • maximumValue: 32
    • Readonly maxColorAttachments: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 128;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 128
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 64;
          maximumValue: 64;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 64
      • maximumValue: 64
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16384;
          maximumValue: 16384;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16384
      • maximumValue: 16384
    • Readonly maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 65535;
          maximumValue: 65535;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 65535
      • maximumValue: 65535
    • Readonly maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 8;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 8
    • Readonly maxInterStageShaderVariables: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 15;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 15
    • Readonly maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxSamplersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxStorageBufferBindingSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 134217728;
          maximumValue: 134217728;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 134217728
      • maximumValue: 134217728
    • Readonly maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 4;
          maximumValue: 4;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 4
      • maximumValue: 4
    • Readonly maxTextureArrayLayers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension1D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8192;
          maximumValue: 4096;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8192
      • maximumValue: 4096
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension2D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8192;
          maximumValue: 4096;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8192
      • maximumValue: 4096
    • Readonly maxTextureDimension3D: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 2048;
          maximumValue: 1024;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 2048
      • maximumValue: 1024
    • Readonly maxUniformBufferBindingSize: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 65536;
          maximumValue: 16384;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 65536
      • maximumValue: 16384
    • Readonly maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 12;
          maximumValue: 12;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 12
      • maximumValue: 12
    • Readonly maxVertexAttributes: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 16;
          maximumValue: 16;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 16
      • maximumValue: 16
    • Readonly maxVertexBufferArrayStride: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 2048;
          maximumValue: 2048;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 2048
      • maximumValue: 2048
    • Readonly maxVertexBuffers: {
          class: "maximum";
          default: 8;
          maximumValue: 8;
      • class: "maximum"
      • default: 8
      • maximumValue: 8
    • Readonly minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment: {
          class: "alignment";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "alignment"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
    • Readonly minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment: {
          class: "alignment";
          default: 256;
          maximumValue: 256;
      • class: "alignment"
      • default: 256
      • maximumValue: 256
  • returns true iff the langFeature is supported


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns boolean

  • Creates a buffer with the contents of some TypedArray. The buffer size will always be aligned to 4 as we set mappedAtCreation === true when creating the buffer.

    MAINTENANCE_TODO: Several call sites would be simplified if this took ArrayBuffer as well.


    • dataArray: Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array
    • usage: number

    Returns GPUBuffer

  • Parameters

    • limit: "maxTextureDimension1D" | "maxTextureDimension2D" | "maxTextureDimension3D" | "maxTextureArrayLayers" | "maxBindGroups" | "maxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers" | "maxBindingsPerBindGroup" | "maxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout" | "maxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout" | "maxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage" | "maxSamplersPerShaderStage" | "maxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage" | "maxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage" | "maxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage" | "maxUniformBufferBindingSize" | "maxStorageBufferBindingSize" | "minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment" | "minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment" | "maxVertexBuffers" | "maxBufferSize" | "maxVertexAttributes" | "maxVertexBufferArrayStride" | "maxInterStageShaderVariables" | "maxColorAttachments" | "maxColorAttachmentBytesPerSample" | "maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize" | "maxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeX" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeY" | "maxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ" | "maxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension"
    • variant: ValueTestVariant

    Returns number

  • Snapshot the current contents of a range of a GPUBuffer, and return them as a TypedArray. Also provides a cleanup() function to unmap and destroy the staging buffer.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float16Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array


    Returns Promise<{
        data: T;
        cleanup() => void;

  • Expect that the provided function throws (if true or string) or not (if false). If a string is provided, expect that the throw exception has that name.

    MAINTENANCE_TODO: Change to string | false so the exception name is always checked.


    • expectedError: string | boolean
    • fn: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • __namedParameters: ExceptionCheckOptions = {}

    Returns void

  • Skips this test case if the langFeature is not supported.


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns void

  • Skips this test case if the langFeature is supported.


    • langFeature: "readonly_and_readwrite_storage_textures" | "packed_4x8_integer_dot_product" | "unrestricted_pointer_parameters" | "pointer_composite_access"

    Returns void

  • Tracks an object to be cleaned up after the test finishes.

    Usually when creating buffers/textures/query sets, you can use the helpers in GPUTest instead.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends DestroyableObject | Promise<DestroyableObject>


    • o: T

    Returns T

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