colorThe color space that values written into textures returned by getCurrentTexture should be displayed with.
The GPUDevice that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will be compatible with.
The format that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will have. Must be one of the Supported context formats.
toneThe tone mapping determines how the content of textures returned by getCurrentTexture are to be displayed. Note: If an implementation doesn't support HDR WebGPU canvases, it should also not expose this member, to allow for feature detection. See getConfiguration.
usageThe usage that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will have. RENDER_ATTACHMENT is the default, but is not automatically included if the usage is explicitly set. Be sure to include RENDER_ATTACHMENT when setting a custom usage if you wish to use textures returned by getCurrentTexture as color targets for a render pass.
viewThe formats that views created from textures returned by getCurrentTexture may use.
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Determines the effect that alpha values will have on the content of textures returned by getCurrentTexture when read, displayed, or used as an image source.