Interface GPUCanvasConfiguration


  • GPUCanvasConfiguration


alphaMode?: GPUCanvasAlphaMode

Determines the effect that alpha values will have on the content of textures returned by getCurrentTexture when read, displayed, or used as an image source.

colorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace

The color space that values written into textures returned by getCurrentTexture should be displayed with.

device: GPUDevice

The GPUDevice that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will be compatible with.

The format that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will have. Must be one of the Supported context formats.

usage?: number

The usage that textures returned by getCurrentTexture will have. RENDER_ATTACHMENT is the default, but is not automatically included if the usage is explicitly set. Be sure to include RENDER_ATTACHMENT when setting a custom usage if you wish to use textures returned by getCurrentTexture as color targets for a render pass.

viewFormats?: Iterable<GPUTextureFormat>

The formats that views created from textures returned by getCurrentTexture may use.

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