Interface GPUDevice



adapterInfo: GPUAdapterInfo

Information about the physical adapter which created the device that this GPUDevice refers to. For a given GPUDevice, the GPUAdapterInfo values exposed are constant over time.

A set containing the GPUFeatureName values of the features supported by the device (i.e. the ones with which it was created).

label: string

Exposes the limits supported by the device (which are exactly the ones with which it was created).

lost: Promise<GPUDeviceLostInfo>

A slot-backed attribute holding a promise which is created with the device, remains pending for the lifetime of the device, then resolves when the device is lost. Upon initialization, it is set to a new promise.

onuncapturederror: null | ((this: GPUDevice, ev: GPUUncapturedErrorEvent) => any)

An event handler IDL attribute for the uncapturederror event type.

queue: GPUQueue

The primary GPUQueue for this device.


  • Type Parameters

    • K extends "uncapturederror"


    • type: K
    • listener: ((this: GPUDevice, ev: __GPUDeviceEventMap[K]) => any)
        • (this: GPUDevice, ev: __GPUDeviceEventMap[K]): any
        • Parameters

          Returns any

    • Optional options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject
    • Optional options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Destroys the device, preventing further operations on it. Outstanding asynchronous operations will fail. Note: It is valid to destroy a device multiple times. Note: Since no further operations can be enqueued on this device, implementations can abort outstanding asynchronous operations immediately and free resource allocations, including mapped memory that was just unmapped.

    Returns undefined

  • Dispatches a synthetic event event to target and returns true if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked, and false otherwise.


    • event: Event

    Returns boolean

  • Pops a GPU error scope off the GPUDevice.[[errorScopeStack]] for this and resolves to any GPUError observed by the error scope, or null if none. There is no guarantee of the ordering of promise resolution.

    Returns Promise<null | GPUError>

  • Type Parameters

    • K extends "uncapturederror"


    • type: K
    • listener: ((this: GPUDevice, ev: __GPUDeviceEventMap[K]) => any)
        • (this: GPUDevice, ev: __GPUDeviceEventMap[K]): any
        • Parameters

          Returns any

    • Optional options: boolean | EventListenerOptions

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject
    • Optional options: boolean | EventListenerOptions

    Returns void

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