descriptor: GPUComputePassDescriptorDescription of the GPURenderPassEncoder to create.
Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that fills a sub-region of a GPUBuffer with zeros.
Shorthand, equivalent to copyBufferToBuffer.
Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that copies data from a sub-region of a GPUBuffer to a sub-region of another GPUBuffer.
Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that copies data from a sub-region of a GPUBuffer to a sub-region of one or multiple continuous texture subresources.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the source buffer.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the destination texture subresource.
Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that copies data from a sub-region of one or multiple continuous texture subresources to a sub-region of a GPUBuffer.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the source texture subresources.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the destination buffer.
Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that copies data from a sub-region of one or multiple contiguous texture subresources to another sub-region of one or multiple continuous texture subresources.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the source texture subresources.
Combined with copySize
, defines the region of the destination texture subresources.
Completes recording of the commands sequence and returns a corresponding GPUCommandBuffer. descriptor:
descriptor: GPUObjectDescriptorBaseEnds the labeled debug group most recently started by pushDebugGroup.
Resolves query results from a GPUQuerySet out into a range of a GPUBuffer. querySet: firstQuery: queryCount: destination: destinationOffset:
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Begins encoding a render pass described by