Interface GPUCommandEncoder



label: string


  • Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that fills a sub-region of a GPUBuffer with zeros.


    • buffer: GPUBuffer

      The GPUBuffer to clear.

    • Optional offset: number

      Offset in bytes into buffer where the sub-region to clear begins.

    • Optional size: number

      Size in bytes of the sub-region to clear. Defaults to the size of the buffer minus offset.

    Returns undefined

  • Encode a command into the GPUCommandEncoder that copies data from a sub-region of a GPUBuffer to a sub-region of another GPUBuffer.


    • source: GPUBuffer

      The GPUBuffer to copy from.

    • sourceOffset: number

      Offset in bytes into source to begin copying from.

    • destination: GPUBuffer

      The GPUBuffer to copy to.

    • destinationOffset: number

      Offset in bytes into destination to place the copied data.

    • size: number

      Bytes to copy.

    Returns undefined

  • Marks a point in a stream of commands with a label.


    • markerLabel: string

      The label to insert.

    Returns undefined

  • Begins a labeled debug group containing subsequent commands.


    • groupLabel: string

      The label for the command group.

    Returns undefined

  • Resolves query results from a GPUQuerySet out into a range of a GPUBuffer. querySet: firstQuery: queryCount: destination: destinationOffset:


    • querySet: GPUQuerySet
    • firstQuery: number
    • queryCount: number
    • destination: GPUBuffer
    • destinationOffset: number

    Returns undefined

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