depthThe GPURenderPassDepthStencilAttachment value that defines the depth/stencil attachment that will be output to and tested against when executing this render pass. Due to compatible usage list|usage compatibility, no writable depth/stencil attachment may alias another attachment or any resource used inside the render pass.
labelThe initial value of GPUObjectBase.label.
maxThe maximum number of draw calls that will be done in the render pass. Used by some implementations to size work injected before the render pass. Keeping the default value is a good default, unless it is known that more draw calls will be done.
occlusionThe GPUQuerySet value defines where the occlusion query results will be stored for this pass.
timestampDefines which timestamp values will be written for this pass, and where to write them to.
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The set of GPURenderPassColorAttachment values in this sequence defines which color attachments will be output to when executing this render pass. Due to compatible usage list|usage compatibility, no color attachment may alias another attachment or any resource used inside the render pass.