Interface GPURenderPassEncoder



label: string


  • Parameters

    • queryIndex: number

      The index of the query in the query set.

    Returns undefined

  • Draws primitives. See for the detailed specification.


    • vertexCount: number

      The number of vertices to draw.

    • Optional instanceCount: number

      The number of instances to draw.

    • Optional firstVertex: number

      Offset into the vertex buffers, in vertices, to begin drawing from.

    • Optional firstInstance: number

      First instance to draw.

    Returns undefined

  • Draws indexed primitives. See for the detailed specification.


    • indexCount: number

      The number of indices to draw.

    • Optional instanceCount: number

      The number of instances to draw.

    • Optional firstIndex: number

      Offset into the index buffer, in indices, begin drawing from.

    • Optional baseVertex: number

      Added to each index value before indexing into the vertex buffers.

    • Optional firstInstance: number

      First instance to draw.

    Returns undefined

  • Completes recording of the render pass commands sequence.

    Returns undefined

  • Executes the commands previously recorded into the given GPURenderBundles as part of this render pass. When a GPURenderBundle is executed, it does not inherit the render pass's pipeline, bind groups, or vertex and index buffers. After a GPURenderBundle has executed, the render pass's pipeline, bind group, and vertex/index buffer state is cleared (to the initial, empty values). Note: The state is cleared, not restored to the previous state. This occurs even if zero GPURenderBundles are executed.


    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current GPUBindGroup for the given index.


    • index: number

      The index to set the bind group at.

    • bindGroup: undefined | null | GPUBindGroup

      Bind group to use for subsequent render or compute commands.

    • Optional dynamicOffsets: Iterable<number>

      Array containing buffer offsets in bytes for each entry in bindGroup marked as buffer.hasDynamicOffset.-->

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current GPUBindGroup for the given index, specifying dynamic offsets as a subset of a Uint32Array.


    • index: number

      The index to set the bind group at.

    • bindGroup: undefined | null | GPUBindGroup

      Bind group to use for subsequent render or compute commands.

    • dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array

      Array containing buffer offsets in bytes for each entry in bindGroup marked as buffer.hasDynamicOffset.

    • dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number

      Offset in elements into dynamicOffsetsData where the buffer offset data begins.

    • dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number

      Number of buffer offsets to read from dynamicOffsetsData.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current index buffer.


    • buffer: GPUBuffer

      Buffer containing index data to use for subsequent drawing commands.

    • indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat

      Format of the index data contained in buffer.

    • Optional offset: number

      Offset in bytes into buffer where the index data begins. Defaults to 0.

    • Optional size: number

      Size in bytes of the index data in buffer. Defaults to the size of the buffer minus the offset.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the scissor rectangle used during the rasterization stage. After transformation into viewport coordinates any fragments which fall outside the scissor rectangle will be discarded.


    • x: number

      Minimum X value of the scissor rectangle in pixels.

    • y: number

      Minimum Y value of the scissor rectangle in pixels.

    • width: number

      Width of the scissor rectangle in pixels.

    • height: number

      Height of the scissor rectangle in pixels.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the RenderState.[[stencilReference]] value used during stencil tests with the GPUStencilOperation "replace" GPUStencilOperation.


    • reference: number

      The new stencil reference value.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current vertex buffer for the given slot.


    • slot: number

      The vertex buffer slot to set the vertex buffer for.

    • buffer: undefined | null | GPUBuffer

      Buffer containing vertex data to use for subsequent drawing commands.

    • Optional offset: number

      Offset in bytes into buffer where the vertex data begins. Defaults to 0.

    • Optional size: number

      Size in bytes of the vertex data in buffer. Defaults to the size of the buffer minus the offset.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the viewport used during the rasterization stage to linearly map from NDC|normalized device coordinates to viewport coordinates.


    • x: number

      Minimum X value of the viewport in pixels.

    • y: number

      Minimum Y value of the viewport in pixels.

    • width: number

      Width of the viewport in pixels.

    • height: number

      Height of the viewport in pixels.

    • minDepth: number

      Minimum depth value of the viewport.

    • maxDepth: number

      Maximum depth value of the viewport.

    Returns undefined

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