Interface GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry


  • GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry


binding: number

A unique identifier for a resource binding within the GPUBindGroupLayout, corresponding to a GPUBindGroupEntry.binding and a


attribute in the GPUShaderModule.

When map/exist|provided, indicates the binding resource type for this GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry is GPUBufferBinding.

When map/exist|provided, indicates the binding resource type for this GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry is either GPUExternalTexture or GPUTextureView. External textures use several binding slots: see Exceeds the binding slot limits.

When map/exist|provided, indicates the binding resource type for this GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry is GPUSampler.

When map/exist|provided, indicates the binding resource type for this GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry is GPUTextureView.

When map/exist|provided, indicates the binding resource type for this GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry is GPUTextureView.

visibility: number

A bitset of the members of GPUShaderStage. Each set bit indicates that a GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry's resource will be accessible from the associated shader stage.

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