Interface GPUComputePassEncoder



label: string


  • Dispatch work to be performed with the current GPUComputePipeline. See for the detailed specification.


    • workgroupCountX: number

      X dimension of the grid of workgroups to dispatch.

    • Optional workgroupCountY: number

      Y dimension of the grid of workgroups to dispatch.

    • Optional workgroupCountZ: number

      Z dimension of the grid of workgroups to dispatch.

    Returns undefined

  • Dispatch work to be performed with the current GPUComputePipeline using parameters read from a GPUBuffer. See for the detailed specification. packed block of three 32-bit unsigned integer values (12 bytes total), given in the same order as the arguments for dispatchWorkgroups. For example:


    • indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer

      Buffer containing the indirect dispatch parameters.

    • indirectOffset: number

      Offset in bytes into indirectBuffer where the dispatch data begins.

    Returns undefined

  • Completes recording of the compute pass commands sequence.

    Returns undefined

  • Marks a point in a stream of commands with a label.


    • markerLabel: string

      The label to insert.

    Returns undefined

  • Begins a labeled debug group containing subsequent commands.


    • groupLabel: string

      The label for the command group.

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current GPUBindGroup for the given index.


    • index: number

      The index to set the bind group at.

    • bindGroup: undefined | null | GPUBindGroup

      Bind group to use for subsequent render or compute commands. <!--The overload appears to be confusing bikeshed, and it ends up expecting this to define the arguments for the 5-arg variant of the method, despite the "for" explicitly pointing at the 3-arg variant. See

    • Optional dynamicOffsets: Iterable<number>

      Array containing buffer offsets in bytes for each entry in bindGroup marked as buffer.hasDynamicOffset.-->

    Returns undefined

  • Sets the current GPUBindGroup for the given index, specifying dynamic offsets as a subset of a Uint32Array.


    • index: number

      The index to set the bind group at.

    • bindGroup: undefined | null | GPUBindGroup

      Bind group to use for subsequent render or compute commands.

    • dynamicOffsetsData: Uint32Array

      Array containing buffer offsets in bytes for each entry in bindGroup marked as buffer.hasDynamicOffset.

    • dynamicOffsetsDataStart: number

      Offset in elements into dynamicOffsetsData where the buffer offset data begins.

    • dynamicOffsetsDataLength: number

      Number of buffer offsets to read from dynamicOffsetsData.

    Returns undefined

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