Interface GPUDepthStencilState


  • GPUDepthStencilState


depthBias?: number

Constant depth bias added to each triangle fragment. See [$biased fragment depth$] for details.

depthBiasClamp?: number

The maximum depth bias of a triangle fragment. See [$biased fragment depth$] for details.

depthBiasSlopeScale?: number

Depth bias that scales with the triangle fragment’s slope. See [$biased fragment depth$] for details.

depthCompare?: GPUCompareFunction

The comparison operation used to test fragment depths against depthStencilAttachment depth values.

depthWriteEnabled?: boolean

Indicates if this GPURenderPipeline can modify depthStencilAttachment depth values.

The format of depthStencilAttachment this GPURenderPipeline will be compatible with.

stencilBack?: GPUStencilFaceState

Defines how stencil comparisons and operations are performed for back-facing primitives.

stencilFront?: GPUStencilFaceState

Defines how stencil comparisons and operations are performed for front-facing primitives.

stencilReadMask?: number

Bitmask controlling which depthStencilAttachment stencil value bits are read when performing stencil comparison tests.

stencilWriteMask?: number

Bitmask controlling which depthStencilAttachment stencil value bits are written to when performing stencil operations.

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